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case study feature bloomingdale georgiaBloomingdale, Georgia

Challenge: Failing Septic Tanks

Bloomingdale, Georgia, relied on septic tanks until 1984. When tests were performed, the city discovered that the septic tanks did not perc properly and "the city was just saturated," said Ernie Grizzard, Public Works Superintendent. A moratorium on building permits was issued until a central sewer system was installed.

Solution: Choosing a Central Sewer System

Both pressure sewer and gravity sewer were considered. Pressure sewer was chosen for several reasons, including burial depth for the sewer mains: because frost is not a concern in Bloomingdale, mains are located approximately 3 feet below the surface (pressure sewer mains are buried just below the frost line, which varies by location). Gravity sewer mains commonly require depths of 15 to 20 feet regardless of frost depth. 

Result: Long Grinder Pump Life

More than 1000 E/One grinder pumps are installed in Bloomingdale today. Bloomingdale Public Works employs two technicians to maintain the system.

"I wouldn't have believed it, that I could run 1000 pumps with two guys ... I'd have thought it'd take a full crew," Grizzard said. They will go months without receiving a service call.

E/One grinder pumps are designed to be repaired and have enjoyed a long service life with few problems. Bloomingdale has pumps that were installed in 1984 and are still in service; they are replaced with E/One's Extreme Series grinder pump as their service life ends.

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