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case study feature great skyGreat Sky, Canton, Georgia


Outdoor Paradise: Situated among rolling hills in northern Georgia, Great Sky is a planned community of 450+ homes with outdoor amenities that include walking trails and Hickory Log Creek Reservoir.

Sewering the steep terrain with a gravity system would have required 21 lift stations for the initial phase. The developers used ALL-TERRAIN SEWER pressure sewer systems and reduced that number to 3 lift stations. 


Providing sewer service for Great Sky would have been cost-prohibitive if a gravity system was used. In steep topography, installation can require heavy excavation. With mountainous areas, excavation and installation costs can run to millions of dollars.

ALL-TERRAIN SEWER pressure sewer systems from E/One were a perfect fit: because installation follows the contours of the land and need only be buried just below the frost line, installation costs were significantly less. The developers have flexibility in locating home sites and can leave open space, preserving the many trees.


The development was purchased by Landeavor, LLC in 2017 and continues to grow. Great Sky was Landeavor's first experience with ALL-TERRAIN SEWER, and reviews are favorable: lower installation costs, less excavation, and the reliability of E/One grinder pumps. 

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