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case study feature park cityPromontory Park City, Utah

Challenge: Extend Sewer Service to Homes Located Below Grade

Most of the sewer system in the Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District is gravity sewer. How could sewer service be extended to 5 or 6 below-grade lots without adding a lift station? Because the District maintains the system, a new lift station was a maintenance cost they didn't want to add.

Solution: E/One Pressure Sewer Ties Into Existing Gravity

The area around Park City has experienced incredible growth during the past 10 years. While the mountains offer beautiful and desirable views, the rock is very difficult and expensive to excavate — so expensive that the construction company for Promontory determined that purchasing a rock trencher was more feasible than leasing the required amount of time. Hence, installation costs alone for ALL-TERRAIN SEWER were much less than a gravity sewer system.

Result: Lower Costs Than Adding a Lift Station

ALL-TERRAIN SEWER was been a viable tool for extending service to remote and/or below grade lots: it required less excavation, tied into the existing gravity sewer, and the county did not need to install and maintain additional lift station for a handful of customers. 

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