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Sewer Systems

Article Reprints

Case Study Article Reprints

From tough terrain to failing gravity sewers and septic tanks, there isn't a sewering problem that E/One hasn't been able to solve. Find out how E/One has helped land developers and communities save money on sewering costs, eliminate septic tanks, or upgrade existing pressure sewer systems.

About Pressure Sewer Systems: The Nuts & Bolts

  • The Secret Life of Pressure Sewer Systems — The paper includes background of pressure sewer technology, applications that are commonplace with some example case studies, along with several little known applications that are presently "secrets" to the average practitioner. Small Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems Conference
  • Incorporating HDD to Sewer Faster, Smarter, Cheaper — Horizontal direct drilling can be used to sewer more efficiently in tough terrain for new sewer applications and in septic-to-sewer conversions Trenchless Technology, December 2019
  • Need a Newer Sewer — Gravity sewer systems are often the "default" choice for wastewater collection. However, they may not always be an appropriate option because of terrain, soil types, and other site problems. Water Finance & Management magazine
  • The Semi-Positive Displacement Grinder Pump for Wastewater Applications — Explore the characteristics of SPD grinder pumps and learn how to select the best pump for the job. Pumps & Systems,
  • Pumps & Pressure Sewer Systems — Pressure sewer systems for commercial applications Water & Wastes Digest, April 2020

Solving Sewer System I&I Problems

Reference Projects

Who Owns the Grinder Pump?

  • Ownership of Pressure Sewer Systems – This article discusses the cost to own and maintain grinder pumps in two large installations in Chelmsford, MA, and Marion, MA (see pages 30-39). Also presented at 2014 NEWEA Winter Meeting. New England Water Environment Journal 

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