Reduce Costs, Increase Value
Communities around the world have used E/One Sewer systems — whether they are replacing septic tanks, upgrading existing pressure sewer systems, or as an alternative to gravity sewer systems. With no preventive maintenance required of the homeowner, E/One’s pressure sewer system will reduce both initial and ongoing costs of housing, while increasing the value of homes. Additionally, it does not disrupt the beauty of the landscape or damage already-built structures – all while protecting water quality and enhancing quality of life.
Sewer Solutions For Municipalities:
- Septic to Sewer Conversion
- Excessive I&I into Gravity Sewer Systems
- Life Cycle Cost Concerns
- Sewer Flat, Hilly, Rocky or Wet Terrain

How Does The E/One Pressure Sewer System Work?
E/One has perfected the most rugged, longest-lasting sewer system in the industry. Learn how E/One can be installed on any terrain.

Indianapolis Leverages ALL-TERRAIN SEWER for Septic Tank Replacement Initiative
In 2016, Citizens Energy Group (a broad-based utility service company) reorganized their septic tank replacement program into a cost-effective central sewer program, one of the largest and most comprehensive endeavors of this type in a major metro area to date. By utilizing E/One’s ALL-TERRAIN SEWER system the project became more affordable, viable, and was the long-term solution for the city.

Life Cycle Cost Calculator
How much does a sewer system cost? What are the life cycle costs of a sewer system? Compare E/One’s pressure sewer solution to gravity sewer, STEP systems, and vacuum sewer systems with this free comparison tool. Learn what kind of cost savings E/One pressure sewer can offer your next project.
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Featured Project
Gravity sewer systems can be expensive to install, let alone maintain or rehab. First Utility District of Knox County, Tennessee, has made pressure sewer systems the preferred sewer solution vs gravity for many situations. The result? Lower overall life-cycle costs and few maintenance issues.

Featured Project
Bloomingdale, Georgia, relied on septic tanks until 1984 and since then, more than 1,000 E/One grinder pumps have been installed. E/One grinder pumps are designed for a long service life with few problems, and Bloomingdale Public Works employs only two technicians to maintain the entire system.

Upgrade Grinder Pumps in a Pressure Sewer System
If your community already has a pressure sewer system and needs to replace failing centrifugal grinder pumps, E/One has a solution. E/One’s Upgrade pump was designed specifically for existing grinder pump sewer systems. The pump is engineered to fit into virtually any other wet well tank, allowing for easy drop-in installation. Visit the Product Catalog for more information.
Pressure Sewer Systems vs. Gravity Sewer Systems
Gravity sewer systems are the “original” central sewers, with origins in the Roman aqueducts. They must be accurately bedded along a continuous downward grade and often involve very deep trenches — 20 feet or more — and large, costly lift stations. Installation and operating costs have become so exoribitant that pressure sewer has become the go-to sewer system of choice for many municipalities. To compare costs of E/One's pressure sewer solution to gravity sewer, STEP systems, and vacuum sewer systems - utilize the free tools found in E/One's Design Center.