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Sewer Systems


Avoiding Dangerous Curves with Pressure Sewer Systems

November 2021, Part One

Grinder pumps - the heart of pressure sewer systems - are available as either centrifugal or progressing cavity designs. These pumps have significantly different performance characteristic curves, and can have notable impacts on the design, operation, and costs of pressure sewer systems. Part one of our webinar series explores the considerations and potential pitfalls on the type of pump used in pressure sewer systems. The distinct design methodologies will be discussed and the typical operation parameters such as system pressure measurements over time, pump cycle times, and pump run occurrences will be reviewed.

This is part 1 of E/One's Webinar Series: Design & Performance of Pressure Sewer Systems.

Validating the Design Methodology for Pressure Sewer Systems

November 2021, Part Two

Due to the fundamental characteristics and operational parameters of pressure sewers, the design methodologies differ markedly from gravity sewers. Part two of our webinar series provides a summary of the evaluation and results validating the methodology for the design of pressure sewer systems using the Probability Method and SPD grinder pumps.

This is part 2 of E/One's Webinar Series: Design & Performance of Pressure Sewer Systems.

Introduction to Pressure Sewers 

April 2020

In today's challenging economic environment, more municipalities and engineering firms are relying on the pressure sewer solution. This is a must-see webinar for anyone searching for alternatives and improvements to traditional gravity sewer systems or for septic-to-sewer replacement projects.

This webinar will provide an overview of grinder pump systems that will educate engineers, developers, operators, and consultants. Learn how ALL-TERRAIN SEWER driven by E/One grinder pumps are applied in new sewer systems, sewer renewal projects, and are instrumental in fixing failing gravity systems.

This webinar was originally broadcast April 7, 2020. 

Life Cycle Cost Comparisons: Pressure Sewers vs Gravity Sewer and Vacuum Sewer Systems

Using the Life Cycle Cost Calculator for Sewer Project Evaluations

October 2018

How much does a sewer system cost? What are the life cycle costs of a sewer system? This webinar provides a holistic overview of life cycle cost analysis and the cost comparisons of pressure sewer systems to other central sewer technologies.

When evaluating wastewater collections system options, the true cost of long-term ownership has often been improperly considered. Evaluation tools, such as E/One’s Life Cycle Cost calculator, provide a planning level assessment for the evaluation of long-term life cycle costs between a low pressure sewer system and a conventional gravity sewer.

This must-see webinar will review cost and operational parameters of a project’s needs. Capturing all operational activities and basing costs on actual or historic data ensures a more complete assessment and facilitates the selection of the wastewater collection system with the most favorable life cycle costs.

The Cost Calculator tool is available in E/One's Design Center.


Pressure Sewer System Design

Advanced Design & Application of Pressure Sewer Systems

March 2021

Whether you're designing a new community or replacing a failed gravity sewer system, learn how pressure sewer systems are ideal for almost any terrain: flat, wet, rocky or hilly. And discover how to sewer previously unserved areas and unlock difficult land using pressure sewer technology that is both environmentally sensitive and economically sensible.

This must-see webinar that includes design, case study, installation and O&M content, which will prove useful to anyone involved in the decision making and execution of a collection sewer program or for those searching for alternatives and improvements to traditional gravity sewer systems or for septic-to-sewer replacement projects.

November 2020

In today’s challenging economic environment, more engineering firms and municipalities are relying on the pressure sewer solution. Developed more than 50 years ago, pressure sewer systems have become a viable and appropriate alternative to conventional gravity sewers and septic tanks – both for residential and non-residential applications.

Whether you’re designing a new community or replacing a failed gravity sewer system, learn how pressure sewer systems are ideal for almost any terrain: flat, wet, rocky or hilly. And discover how to sewer previously unserved areas and unlock difficult land using pressure sewer technology that is both environmentally sensitive and economically sensible.

This must-see webcast includes design, case study, installation and O&M content, which will prove useful to anyone involved in the decision making and execution of a collection sewer program or for those searching for alternatives and improvements to traditional gravity sewer systems or for septic-to-sewer replacement projects.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the three basic categories for pressure sewer projects
  • Identify the key inputs to designing a successful pressure sewer system
  • Assign a lifecycle cost to pressure sewer
  • Explore expectations of the operation and maintenance of the pressure sewer system

Registration required.

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Evaluating Sewer System Option: Gravity vs Low Pressure

Wastewater Collection Systems, Equipment and Operation & Maintenance

June 23, 2020


New Land Development Opportunities

Pressure Sewer Systems: Enabling Creative Development Options for Thriving Neighborhoods

May 2020

Providing safe, reliable and central sewer access to a home or development is no longer an option. Learn how pressure sewer is the appropriate technology for turning overlooked or challenging land parcels into thriving neighborhoods – all while reducing upfront development costs and allowing builders to quickly respond to changing market desires.

This webinar will include tips on how to retrofit existing privately sewered subdivisions with a long-term solution that benefits the residents, surrounding communities, and the environment. We’ll explore creative land planning and innovative designs to assist you through the regulatory process required to breathe new life into communities.

Through example projects, webinar attendees will learn how to overcome common design challenges posed by sanitary sewer service as well as ways to minimize earthwork costs by incorporating existing site features and topography into the design.

This webinar also includes:


Sewer Renewal

Providing a Sustainable Solution for Sewer Renewal with Pressure Sewer Systems

December 2020

Pressure sewer systems are gaining widespread acceptance in providing a viable, sustainable, and cost-effective solution for communities considering new wastewater collection systems, replacing failed gravity systems, or for septic-to-sewer conversions. They provide critical infrastructure with lower construction costs, fewer community disruptions, and minimal environmental impacts compared to the construction of new gravity sewer or the renewal of failed gravity systems.


Customer Experiences with E/One Sewer Systems

Sewers & Sensibility in Knox County, Tennessee: ALL-TERRAIN SEWER Cuts Treatment Costs

November 2018

Bruce Giles, General Manager of First Utility District of Knox County (FUD), and Jill Davis P.E., Senior Civil Engineer at Environment One, discuss the evolution of FUD Knox County into the successful Triple A-rated district it is today.

Topics of discussion include:

  • A look at best practices including everything from the dynamics of securing the right financial instrument
  • Project delivery strategy
  • A look at the hole in the ground and the deployment of ALL-TERRAIN SEWER to ensure a safe, reliable, and ultimately economical solution that has lowered collection and treatment costs for FUD Knox County

Watch the archived version of this webinar (registration required).


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